ASD — Answering Service for Directors — recently shared some exciting news in a blog post.
The company recently released an enhanced version of ASD Mobile to the Apple App store. The latest version, ASD Mobile 5.2, introduces new Solicitor Shield call blocking tools to make it simpler than ever for funeral directors to control how ASD screens their calls. These new options allow funeral homes to specify how ASD should screen calls from specific numbers, streamlining communication processes while ensuring only authorized individuals or designated contacts are able to connect during critical times.
By helping funeral homes to filter out unwanted solicitations or disturbances, ASD’s updated Solicitor Shield call blocking features put the remote control directly in the hands of funeral directors. To utilize these options, simply tap on any phone number within ASD Mobile and then tap “Add to Solicitor Shield.” You can then select from a list of options of how you want ASD to handle calls from this number.
The first option listed here is ‘Voicemail’ which is a great solution for any callers who you would rather be sent directly to a voicemail box. For instance, perhaps you receive routine calls from a prep room supply company telling you about their current specials and promotions. Messages left here are stored in the app for review at your convenience.
The second Solicitor Shield call blocking option is ‘Busy.’ If selected, any calls placed to your funeral home from this number will hear a fast-busy signal. This is the ideal choice for those annoying spam and solicitation calls that you do not want to get through to you at all. (A great solution for all of those Google Business Listing inquiries). Alternatively, you can select the third option, “Mailbox Full” which will play a message for the caller telling them your mailbox is full and cannot accept new messages.
The fourth option, ‘Press X for Voicemail’ requires anyone calling from that number to first press a digit on their phone before they are connected to your Voicemail. This serves as a useful filter for potential recorded solicitation calls. Similarly, the fifth option, “Press X for Agent’ requires callers to input a digit before connecting to an ASD Call Specialist. While these options may currently be less practical for funeral homes to use on a number-by-number basis, ASD is currently working to add new enhancements that will make them more useful and functional in the future. Future updates will likely include the ability for funeral homes to create their own custom message for ASD to play to callers on their Solicitor Shield block list. ASD’s latest update marks just the initial step in enhancing its Solicitor Shield call blocking functionalities.
In addition to updating Solicitor Shield options, ASD’s most recent app update guarantees compatibility with Apple’s cutting-edge Virtual Reality headset, the “Vision Pro.” For those eager to explore this new frontier, the ASD app is now fully functional on this device. While VR remains a relatively new medium, the potential it holds for the funeral profession is undeniably intriguing. As always, ASD strives to remain at the forefront of innovation and embrace new technological advancements.
With every major app software update, there is always the potential for unexpected glitches to occur so please don’t hesitate to contact ASD at if you experience any issues using the new version of ASD Mobile for Apple. For Android users, ASD is now focused on updating its app for the Android platform and plans to release an updated version in the near future. Learn more here.
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