Have you ever sat up awake at night and pondered the answers to these or similar questions:
- Should I charge extra for weekend work?
- What is geofencing and how can it increase my business?
- How can I merchandise my service charge?
- What skillsets must a 21st century staff have?
- How many families should one licensee serve annually?
Unanimously acclaimed as a huge success by the inaugural group of members, the 21st Century Initiative answered these questions and more. But it did it in an unusual way. The initiative tackled practical issues with a collaborative approach. Members returned home with answers and plans they can implement with little or no cost. More importantly, they have exclusive tools and systems to quickly adapt to their needs.
Hosted by Alan Creedy and Danny Jefferson, the founders of the podcast, “Two Guys and a Question,” this inaugural event took place at the exclusive Grandover Resort in Greensboro, North Carolina March 26 – 28, 2023. Honorees were selected by invitation because they were considered doers instead of talkers and potential future leaders for the profession.
“This is a unique group of professionals,” said Alan Creedy. “They were specifically selected because of their intentionality in their business approach. We have designed the 21st Century Initiative to be a results-oriented, short–term membership. Members are expected to double their investment in the initiative each year or drop out. The group is limited to no more than 15 funeral homes, and we ask for a commitment of up to three years. Much like learning to ride a bicycle, we expect you to be able to function independently after that.”
“In 50 years as a practicing funeral director I have never experienced a group so intelligent and open to new ideas, added Danny Jefferson. “I think the collaborative approach to problem-solving outperformed other organizations’ lecture/seminar styles. These folks are just exciting to work with. I am optimistic once again about our future.”
About Two Guys and a Question: Alan Creedy and Danny Jefferson founded Two Guys and a Question over two years ago to stimulate innovation in funeral service. Between them, they have more than 100 years of service in the funeral profession. Two Guys and a Question contains a library of previous podcasts, most under 12 minutes in length. Each program challenges funeral professionals to change their thinking and development. Subscriptions are free at https://twoguysandaquestion.com.
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