Officials at the preneed marketing agency, Premier Preneed Marketing, have announced the hiring of a new member of the company’s sales team.  Mark Vitelli, a licensed insurance professional, possesses a comprehensive and diverse background in all facets of sales, marketing, training, and recruiting in the preneed market.

In his role, Vitelli will be responsible for recruiting and training advisors to sell preneed, generating and distributing leads, and extending the reach of Premier Preneed Marketing solutions in the preneed community.  Vitelli brings valuable experience to Premier and has a proven track record for developing and executing strategies to grow preneed business while driving team performance.

“I’m thrilled to welcome Mark to the Premier team,” said Jeff Wright, vice president – preneed at Premier Preneed Marketing. “Mark’s rich knowledge of the funeral profession and comprehensive experience will help drive our business’s growth and his recruiting, lead generation, strategy, and innovation skills will be incredible assets to our team.”

During his career in funeral service, Vitelli has held key preneed positions at funeral homes and established his own end-of-life planning firm.  He is well-versed in coaching, managing, and retaining exceptional employees.  In addition, he has direct involvement working with families; helping them to explore the many options available to pre-plan a funeral service.  Vitelli has experience combining roles as a preneed agent, manager, and marketer, using direct mail, text messaging, messenger, Facebook ads, referrals, telemarketing, and seminar workshops.

“Mark has an established track record for working both inside and outside the preneed market, having experience at individual funeral homes and preneed agencies,” said Paul Carlson, regional sales director at Premier Preneed Marketing. ” Having worked with Mark in the past, I know his wealth of knowledge of the preneed market will be a significant asset to the company.”

“I’m excited to join Premier and help our partner firms implement their preneed programs more effectively.  Funeral service is ever-changing and forces funeral homes to adapt faster,” Vitelli said.  “I am driven by the challenge to help our partners evolve and optimize their preneed efforts.”

“My focus will be on fostering close collaborations with our partner firms, and adding value and outreach within the communities they serve,” added Vitelli.  “Nothing makes me happier than assisting funeral homes build their business with integrity, accountability, and client satisfaction.”

About Premier Preneed Marketing:  Premier Preneed Marketing is an Integrity Group Company, the nation’s largest distributor of health and life insurance products specializing in the senior market.  Premier has been providing support, training, and leading health and life insurance solutions to producers since 1968.  By consistently designing innovative, consumer-friendly products and partnering with agencies and agents nationwide, Premier has earned a reputation as one of the most respected insurance brokerages in the country.   For more information about Premier Preneed Marketing, visit

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