Alan Creedy and Danny Jefferson, two funeral service innovators who host a popular podcast called “Two Guys and a Question,” shared a bevy of insights on whether and how to post prices online in their latest episode.

Both men alluded to the fact that funeral homes may very well soon be required to post prices online as the Federal Trade Commission conducts a review of its longstanding Funeral Rule.

“Even today, funeral directors are struggling with the correct way to present their pricing,” Jefferson said. “If you want to get progressive in your community, I would go ahead and get my prices on my website.”

The challenge in ensuring that online prices actually deliver value to families is that General Price Lists can be inscrutable, Creedy observed.

“I do comparisons of GPLs and trying to compare one person’s GPL with another is a real challenge,” Creedy said. “So, I would put my price list up but find some way to make it user friendly.”

Do not try to be deceptive, Jefferson warned.

“Just be honest,” he said. “If you are good funeral director, you are going to be worth whatever it is you charge.”

The two men shared a variety of tips on how to set prices and the way in which you should post them online during their podcast.

Listen to the latest episode of Two Guys and a Question.

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